Grace Episcopal Church logo

924 Lake Street - Oak Park IL 60301 - 708-386-8036 - -

Please click here to submit your pledge online.

Or click here to download a pledge form
​ to print out and return.

Please return your completed form to Grace
either by dropping it in the offering plate
or mailing it to the church office:

924 Lake Street

​Oak Park IL 60301

Thank you.
Giving to Grace is a way of living
into our commitment
to God and to one another.

Thank you.

Some ways to fulfill your pledge to Grace:

  • Give securely online here 
  • Print and return an ACH Authorization Form 
    ​for automatic monthly withdrawal from your checking or savings account
  • Checks made payable to Grace Episcopal Church
    may be dropped in the offering plate or mailed to the church office:
    ​ 924 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60301.

Pledging reflects our spiritual commitment to God's work through Grace Church.