924 Lake Street - Oak Park IL 60301 - 708-386-8036 - office@graceoakpark.org - facebook.com/GraceOakPark

Sunday Worship

We gather as one congregation online and in person for worship at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. Please click here to download or view this week’s service bulletin.

Children are always welcome at Grace. Children are invited to stay with you during worship, or they may enjoy spending some time in our soft space, which has quiet toys, a child-size table and chairs, and seating for adults as well. The soft space is on the right-hand side of the church, near the front.

To join us online, please see Zoom A at this link. The password (which is case sensitive) is GraceOP.

Please linger after the service for Coffee Hour, either online or in person. Online parishioners and visitors may simply stay on  Zoom A after the service ends; in-person parishioners and visitors are invited to Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall for a snack and a chat. The Parish Hall is down the passageway to the right of the altar.

Sunday mornings at Grace

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